Friday, March 8, 2013

Latest Book Presentation to my Focus Group

…Now, getting back to the bones of my latest blockbuster book-project topic, designed to bring global harmony and understanding.  (I think it has Pulitzer, and possibly Nobel, written all over it! ) 

Much like Einstein, who reduced the complexities of the universe into the simple formula "E=mc squared," I find myself on the cusp of reducing the complexities of ALL HUMAN SOCIAL INTERACTION into a simple, yet easily understandable model.

The material tells me it wants to be entitled--

        The 3 Rules That Govern ALL Social Life !!!         
    or,  How the Social Matrix Works -- In a Nutshell               

                     By Chris Cushingham

What are the 3 cornerstone Rules that govern all social life, you ask? I call them The Rules of Play.  Simply put, they are these... Follow closely: 

Rule #1:    It’s fun to have fun!  (Easy enough?)

Rule #2:   THERE  ARE  NO  RULES!!! 
 --except those AGREED TO by the players (and sometimes their parents or police.)  Players enjoy the free flow of the passing of time by just being together and having a bit of fun -- the joking, the kidding, the “ape”ing, the daring, the faux-mocking, the adventure, the adoration, all of which results in time “well-spent.”

            (Side note:  It has been my observation and time-tested truth that one never feels “old” or “infirm” whilst engaged in “play time-well spent.”  Is this not so?   Of course, you may feel like taking a nap after reading this crap, so I say PLAY ON, NOW!  and then take a nap.)

             “Best” friends are invariably those who easily fall into play and waste little or no time quibbling about the Rules.

Rule #3:   Should some “dis-Content” fester into “dis-Consent” over the Rules among the players, the result is typically a Suspension of Play.  

Dis-consent undoes Rule #2 and brings the "social" element among the Players to a halt. You know when this happens because someone usually walks off in a noticeable “Huff!” and takes themselves, and their ball, out of the Play.  

Play has been suspended!  In order to Resume Play, “Consent” must be restored!  (see Rule #2.)  

“Dis-consent” over the Rules can usually only be overcome with a lot of  re-defining, re-adjusting and re-agreeing to the Rules among the Players.  Also, a lot of “I’m Sorry’s!” and/or “I’ll never do that again’s!!!” are involved.  (The only legitimate time the use of never is to be employed in our vocabularies.)

So much fun to be had, so little time (and paper).   More blathering to follow... 

Anyway, these are the bones of my latest Book project which I just thought up this afternoon.  Would you buy a copy of this cutting edge block-buster?  I'd be sure to sign it!

Or, might you prefer to take your ball and go home, in which case I will never bother you again (until one of us gets bored enough and want to Resume Play according to the protocols of Rule #1, #2, and #3...)



Chris Jr. said...

I would buy a copy dad. Just because you wrote it.

Chris Cushingham, Sr. said...

How thoughtful, Chris Jr., but not necessary. My publisher will offer me a handful of copies to comp to my family members should there be any residual interest.

I may need your help drafting my Pulitzer Prize acceptance speech, however, in exchange for your promise NOT to scratch "Jr." on the nameplate...

Emma Shirley said...

Your writing meanders but in a good way! It's light, bouncy, fun and humorous. Your wit shines through in each sentence and your word play is great. You know how much my mother the Mermaid Queen likes word play!

So to be clear, your book would be about socializing and ways to get good interesting conversation? If I could have a blurb about your book in a nutshell, that would be great. So far though, i like the idea! We need better conversation these days! Spice things up and make faster friends at "boring" get togethers.