Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Struggling Writer Needs Your Help!

Since I haven't been writing much of late, my personal archivist  Ignostrial Q. Crumpwater III, expressing the sentiments of the entire Staff, barked over at me:  "We're bored!  Write something!"  

Well, to be fair, I have been a bit negligent.  So in order to hopefully get the creative juices  a flow, I asked "Iggy" to send up some old stuff from the archives, which I have slightly modified for your consideration, and hopefully the material will engender your helpful responses.  As Jay Leno would say, "Here, just take a look at this..."

Dear Writer Friends of America (you know who you are),

A trip down memory lane is a trip I take more often these days.  As one ages, one ponders and ruminates with greater frequency, (and with much less clarity), on the eventful moments of days gone by.  A good deal of my life, these days, is best viewed through the rear view mirror, I have to admit. 

Somewhere you mentioned a number of your book projects that have yet to see the light of day.  I know getting the "green" light from my Focus Group is usually the biggest obstacle for me, too. (Well, and the fact that my drabble is generally rubbish anyway.)

That being said, I'm sure that you have some excellent material, which with a little tweaking, could end up as a completed project!  The great American novel?  a screenplay for son #2? or some such?  For me, it's just finding the uninterrupted time to blather and see what might develop.  Well that, and so much more...

I get the sense that you are very adept at assembling and evaluating good book material and that is where I fall so very short.  I find it considerably more difficult to come by "good" material.  Why, a few years back I resorted to a targeted, mass mailing in order to come up with enough good book material  to get my project, Chris Cushingham--What a Guy!  in front of the Focus Group. "Not your best work" was their cryptic analysis...

(I'll have to remember to have Ignostrial Q. Crumpwater III, my chief archivist, find the aforementioned document so I can run it past you, that is, if you don't mind...?)

The fact that I have never gotten anything past my Focus Group is a bit disturbing to me.  And that is why I am turning to you. Firstly to ask "What have you found interesting enough to write about lately?"  And secondly,  (perhaps even more importantly), "Might have you some helpful advice and/or tips to pass along to this fledgling writer?" 

Can you help?  Any morsel would be appreciated...

Yours truly (with a bit of fun)



Steve Muratore aka Arizona Eagletarian said...
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Steve Muratore aka Arizona Eagletarian said...
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Chris Cushingham, Sr. said...
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