Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Mom's - You've Got To Love 'em

An old acquaintance of mine is writing a book about the instrumental role her Mom played in her life.  It got me thinking.  Sure, we all have an historical narrative to reflect on, and to relate, relative to our mother.  Stories to tell, things that happened...  Memorable scenes, some good, some bad, come easily to mind. 

If more children expressed their sentiments and waxed poetic, they might come up with something dumb like this fine specimen which I wrote a few years back.  I asked my Staff to retrieve it from the archives for your consideration...

  My "Mom - Bomb"
            You are my "Mom - Bomb!"
            You blow me away with the things that you say...
                         You talk while I balk
                         You teach while I breach
                         You flower as I glower
                         You pray when I stray
            Hour after hour
            You've got the power
                         To rock my world!

            You are my "Mom - Bomb!"
            You blow me away with the things that you do...
                         You caress as I test
                         You supply when I cry
                         You love when I shove
                         You feed when I need
            Hour after hour
            You've got the power
                         To rock my world!

            Thanks for holding your ground
            When I brought to you a frown

            You - da - Bomb, Mom

            I love you, Chris

            -- to my Mom on Mother's Day 5/11/03
               (cheaper than a card)

These sentiments hint at the historical narrative my mom and I share.
For you, a narrative could fill volumes, but the tone of your relationship may take only a few lines.

Are there sentiments that you can share about your Mom?
How might you express your relationship with her to others?
It's hard, but worth a try.

Mom's?  You've got to love 'em.

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