Saturday, October 30, 2010

First things first

In the beginning, God....
With these words the potter talks to the clay.
When the clay was just a lump it didn't have much to say.
But after the potter had fashioned a masterpiece out of the clay, the clay began to notice its own beauty and usefulness.
"Am I not something special?" the clay thought as it was utilized and admired by others.  " I now have something to offer and I am in high demand.  I like being important and special."
"Pretty darned important and special, I'd say,"  the Potter mused as he considered his handiwork....

Does any one out there know how this story-line goes?
How would you write the ending?
(Make sure to include some drama...)

Sunday, October 24, 2010

My Amateurish Views On Writing

Are you trying to reach out to a larger audience as a Book Writer?  Good on ya! There are things to keep in mind. Here are a few thoughts of mine:
  1. It's fun to have fun! and writing should be fun!
  2. I believe everyone has at least one good book in them, some many.  All who take pen to paper in order to express themselves ought to be encouraged.  "If thoughts were not penned, there would, unfortunately be much less to ponder," I've often heard myself saying. 
  3. Recently, an authoress noted that "writing is often like calling out into the void."   True, true.  Sometimes we do write primarily because we seek a reciprocating response.  Like, say you are stranded on a deserted island, (or 'Is it really deserted?' you wonder?)  "Hey!  Anybody home!  ANYBODY OUT THERE?" you call....But other times we write simply to express ourselves, to get something off our chest, or just to blather away.  "This is my island!  And I am the king of MY island!"  
  4. I figure that most writers write because they must, (oh, yeah, and because it's fun!)  And yes, it is an added bonus when someone shouts back "I hear you, brother!" or "Why can't you shut the (bleep) up?" And yes, any response is preferable to Total Silence, unless, of course, the island actually is deserted, and you ARE totally alone...
(Side notes:  What is the difference between a writer and an author?  Is either an actual "artist?"  Which, if either, actually has more fun?)
Writers need occasional diversion.  For literary diversion, I sometimes visit   Betsy and her "writer posse" are both enlightening and entertaining.  Although their banter offers a rare glimpse into the struggling mind of aspiring writers, you eventually have get back to work and come up with your own material to blather about.  (Oh, but how come I'm not having as much fun as they seem to be having?)
For me, finding material is the hard part.  Writing is much easier, and so much more fun, when I have a "muse" to inspire me, and interact with.  Such a person not only notices what you have to say, but also "gets you," and takes the time to respond in like-kind, with encouragement and wit, (i.e., one's literary 'play-mates.')  I've been blessed to have two such in my life in recent years.  Each has been gold.
My hat is off to artists who go "Pro."  The expectations are higher, and of necessity must include the expectations of  business people whose interests are only marginally related to the "art."   "Art for art's sake!  Commercialism sucks!"  (Oops,I'm starting to sound like Betsy"s "posse.")  Any way, "Hats off to you, Pro writers!"
--keep writing and try to have a little fun!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Mom's - You've Got To Love 'em

An old acquaintance of mine is writing a book about the instrumental role her Mom played in her life.  It got me thinking.  Sure, we all have an historical narrative to reflect on, and to relate, relative to our mother.  Stories to tell, things that happened...  Memorable scenes, some good, some bad, come easily to mind. 

If more children expressed their sentiments and waxed poetic, they might come up with something dumb like this fine specimen which I wrote a few years back.  I asked my Staff to retrieve it from the archives for your consideration...

  My "Mom - Bomb"
            You are my "Mom - Bomb!"
            You blow me away with the things that you say...
                         You talk while I balk
                         You teach while I breach
                         You flower as I glower
                         You pray when I stray
            Hour after hour
            You've got the power
                         To rock my world!

            You are my "Mom - Bomb!"
            You blow me away with the things that you do...
                         You caress as I test
                         You supply when I cry
                         You love when I shove
                         You feed when I need
            Hour after hour
            You've got the power
                         To rock my world!

            Thanks for holding your ground
            When I brought to you a frown

            You - da - Bomb, Mom

            I love you, Chris

            -- to my Mom on Mother's Day 5/11/03
               (cheaper than a card)

These sentiments hint at the historical narrative my mom and I share.
For you, a narrative could fill volumes, but the tone of your relationship may take only a few lines.

Are there sentiments that you can share about your Mom?
How might you express your relationship with her to others?
It's hard, but worth a try.

Mom's?  You've got to love 'em.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Testing the Waters

There is one thing to know about me and that is the older I get, the more reflective I have become.  So much of who I am today is largely the continued unfoldment  and refinement of the boy I once was.  No new story there.

What is new for me is the dawning which comes with just-having-lived-long-enough-to-notice that there is a world of difference between a point of view which at its core is primarily theoretical, and one which has been tempered by the forge of life's experience.

It is my intention to occasionally blather away via this blog on topics I find interesting.

Feel free to Follow or Un-Follow as you deem fit.  I'm afraid I have much to say, but my appeal is admittedly limited...

Sunday, October 10, 2010

My first Blog effort--What price would you pay?

This gal calls Dr. Laura detailing the sexual liberties a prominent family member was increasingly taking with her.  She tried to avoid him at all costs, but at family gatherings he skillfully finds a way to get her alone, and forces himself upon her.  She is embarrassed and humiliated, trapped and mortified.

Finally she speaks up about it, looking to enlist some family support.  She would no longer be able to attend family functions if the predator were attending, (of course, he denied all the claims,) and she wanted her other family members to do the same, until he "came clean," sought forgiveness, and changed his ways...

Dr. Laura broke in mid thought and said something like this:
Let me guess.  They did not come to your aid at all.  I'll bet they minimized and dismissed all of your claims, and hoped you'd change the subject.
        Now you know how important you are to your family!
What are you going to do going forward, now that you know that  they are willing to sacrifice YOU for the sake of preserving family unity..? 
The dilemma was clear.  Could she count on her family?  They apparently did not want to see, nor confront a speculative problem.  For them there was no problem.  The perceived benefits of family unity for them overruled the claims of victimization expressed by the weakest member...

What have you been asked to sacrifice, for the sake of family unity?  Have you been victimized by those who should have been looking out for you?  In your family?  At your work?  In your church?  With your pals?

What would you do if you were she?
Should she insist on rocking the boat? 
Or, go quietly into the dark leaving the family intact as if nothing had ever happened?

A price will be paid, one way or another.
What price should be paid? By whom?

Please weigh in and leave a comment; unless, of course, you don't see that there is a problem...